Course time commitment: 5 – 7 hours.
Since 1964 The National Autistic Society (NAS) has been supporting families and professionals working with people on the autism spectrum. After years of experience of education and support for autistic children and adults, building on their views and the views of their families – and the evidence from research and practice – a framework emerged that has formed the basis of their training on autism and their provision of services.
All material is supplied within this comprehensive study guide. We particularly acknowledge the ongoing contribution to these materials of many autistic people and to the original work of the late Dr Lorna Wing and her colleague Dr Judith Gould from The NAS; Gary Mesibov and the late Eric Schopler of Division TEACCH and of past and present staff in schools and services for adults. The overarching aim of this resource is to make the experience, knowledge and skills of working with autistic children and adults available and accessible. This revision will elaborate on the SPELL framework as a way to both understand and support children and adults on the autism spectrum. It is designed to be used in one of two ways: by individuals studying for their own personal development or by trainers working with a group of staff or carers. The involvement of autistic people in the delivery of training is strongly recommended.