Description: It is estimated that between 25 and 40% of people with learning disabilities experience mental health problems at any point in time. The rates are much higher than the general population and diagnosis is sometimes difficult because people’s learning disabilities may cloak underlying mental health problems.
Meeting the mental health needs of people with learning disabilities can be a challenge to all mental health services. This is because the physical health status of people with learning disabilities can contribute to mental ill health, as can the degree and the cause of their learning disabilities, biological factors, psychological factors such as trauma, and social factors such as neglect, poverty and lack of social networks.
This webinar will review prevention, assessment, and management of mental health problems in people with learning disabilities. It will also provide guidance on adaptations to treatment and how best to find the right services for individuals.
This event is for anyone working in the field of learning disabilities and is open to health professionals, researchers, medical/nursing students, third sector professionals, advocacy groups, families, carers and self-advocates.
Attend to learn about:
- The range of common co-occurring mental health conditions faced by people with a learning disability.
- How to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in this group.
- Specific methods and strategies to enhance assessment and treatment.