How do we put the person at the centre of mental health care?

The movement of care from hospitals to local communities and the placing of patients at the centre of their care plans has been a priority for several years. Considering recent legislative reform and the overall driver for change, we will think about how primary and secondary services can be more effective in providing care? Also, we will think about how professionals can support clients to develop the knowledge to manage and make informed decisions about their own mental health.

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Sarah Rae has accessed mental health services on many occasions throughout her adult life. After a negative experience of acute care in 2005 she became determined to influence the design and delivery of services in her local mental health Trust.

During the last four years she has also brought together an experienced team of academics and clinicians to develop a major new research study: ‘Coproducing improved mental health acute inpatient discharge using a Systems Approach: MINDS’