Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and substance misuse conditions
Recorded Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Over the last decade, successful campaigns in Britain have encouraged people to talk about their mental health. However, there’s a piece of the puzzle that is still too often missing from the national debate about mental health – addiction. It’s time to talk openly about co-occurring conditions of mental illness and addiction, as part of the same conversation – because when they co-occur, they are never isolated issues.
In treating co-occurring conditions, it’s essential that professionals have the knowledge and skills to understand the interplay between the conditions. The more we bring the conversation about co-existing addiction, depression and anxiety into the open, the more healthcare services will have to adapt to patients’ needs.
Leon Marsh – Director of Hospital and Residential Services
Leon has held various positions within criminal justice, housing, and residential services with both statutory and third sector organisations. Adferiad Residential Services are one of the largest providers of residential treatment in the UK, treating over 1,000 complex needs patients per year. Consisting of medically managed inpatient detox and residential rehab facilities and secure mental health services.
Leon is also a board member of Recovery Group UK (RGUK) contributing to the recent Dame Carol Black Review. Leon’s interest is in ensuring that Adferiad delivers quality, cost effective and innovative services which meet the needs of service users, commissioners, and communities. Leon is keen to drive forward the co-occurring agenda, built on the fundamental principles of partnership working, collaboration and co-production.
Lisa Shipton
Having previously worked within criminal justice services in the statutory sector, Lisa joined the voluntary sector in 2007. Since then, she has held various positions with a focus on supporting those with substance misuse and / or mental health issues. Lisa joined Adferiad Recovery in 2019, welcoming the opportunity to effectively support those with co-occurring issues in a more joined up and accessible way.
Lisa enjoys listening to and understanding the needs of service users and the wider community, to help develop and deliver services which are innovative and responsive to need. She likes to take a solution focussed approach, working in a collaborative way. Lisa describes herself as having had the privilege of supporting those affected by substance misuse and mental health, and by far her greatest learning continues to be from the many hours spent with service users and their families.