A three-day, online, interactive festival of English language teaching looking at today’s teaching to create a better tomorrow
Join us for this three-day online festival of learning, which will celebrate the future of English language teaching. Fantastic speakers will present on a wide range of topics each day as we celebrate the successes of change and creativity in global language teaching and consider what we need to do to be effective teachers of tomorrow.
Day 1: Shifts in teaching – who are we teaching to and how?
Day 2: Shifts in language – what are we teaching and how?
Day 3: Shifts in techniques – how are we teaching and why?
When you make your payment, you will be asked to confirm your details for each day of the event, to ensure you receive all the Zoom links. Don’t worry – simply click the orange button that says ‘Copy from billing details to all sessions’ and the details will be automatically filled out for you!